It All Began 25 Years Ago…
Impact Golf Marketing began as the vision and passion of one man. In 1995, Robert A. (Robbie) Wooten II saw the industry trending in a negative way and decided to do something about it. While working as a golf professional in Orlando, Florida, Robbie saw the effects of a fast-growing golf market. The proverbial light bulb went off after he read a report by a leading golf research company stating “we need to build a course a day for the next 10 years to keep up with demand”. Having worked in several extremely competitive markets and seeing plans for even more growth, it became clear to him that unless more golfers took up the game or current golfers increased the frequency of their play, clubs would begin to have difficulty turning a profit. Supply and demand. Simple theory, really. When demand far outweighs the supply, business is good. However, the golf market has proven to be the polar opposite of this successful model.
In an effort to combat the explosive course growth and the stagnant golfer participation numbers, Robbie began building a company committed to driving more golfers to play more frequently so his clients would make more money. His commitment, coupled with his high level of experience and knowledge, and a dedicated staff, have helped turn Impact Golf Marketing into a significant player in today’s golf industry. IGM customers will tell you that Robbie’s ability to develop revenue-driving strategies is well-respected. They will also tell you that the plans and systems he and his creative team build really do work.
Integrity Rules Our House
Let’s face it. The golf business is a close knit industry. Not only do we believe in doing what we say we are going to do when we say we are going to do it, we believe in doing business the right way. Without integrity, you have nothing. That is why we protect it with ferocity. We simply like to sleep at night, which is why we do everything for our clients, putting their goals and needs absolutely first, and doing so with the highest code of ethics in the golf business. We protect our clients, their brand, their data and their investment better than anyone and we are proud of it!
Our Mission
Impact Golf Marketing is dedicated to thoughtfully and creatively developing plans, and implementing these plans to drive more people to your facilities more often, so your business makes more money. Our ultimate goal is to protect your financial investments and maximize your financial potential. Our commitment to the quality of our services and products is second to none in the industry, and will ensure a strong return on investment.