Creative, Graphic Design Services

Golfers know it is creative thought that drives results on the golf course. The same rule applies when it comes to designing advertising and collateral materials to promote golf. It is with this in mind that our creative team designs materials to capture your audience. Creative design is more than popping a coupon in an ad…more than a “brand only” ad…more than slapping a flagstick and a green together and calling it a logo. IGM consistently and effectively creates the necessary components to gain you the most attention and ultimately drive the most business.



Simplify the process and save money with one-stop-shopping for all your advertising needs.

With IGM you get out-of-the-box advertising concepts and creative, a complete plan including target market and media and buy recommendations, as well as plan execution, tracking and reporting. You set the budget and we will find the most effective way to maximize your return on investment.


Collateral, Logos, Illustration Work & Photography

Our creative design is more than just creative…it’s inspired.

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? So why settle for a less than spectacular logo, photo shoot or brochure design that send the wrong message about your business or product? IGM puts its creative team to work for you, using some of the best and most experienced minds in the business and the latest technology to create truly inspired and unique custom designs.